Hi friends,
Its been a little while. I have been doing some quiet work on self stuff here at home. One of the biggest things I have been working on is, not running away from my fears, but to own them. I will be honest, the last couple weeks I have thought of bringing myself anywhere but here, in North Dakota. The thoughts- becoming Florence Nightingale in Nepal, helping save lives as a nurse or possibly climbing Glacier National Park, and doing my own kind of quiet journey by myself- (sort of Cheryl Strayed like in the movie and book- The Wild.)
But, after a little while processing I have realized, we can find peace wherever we are, because it comes from the inside, and running- well that sounds like a fun adventure and all, but it avoids the inevitable, looking in, digging deep, feeding my own soul.
I've spent the time reading a couple books, some real good naps, a few walks, and talks with soul family- and lastly, I have looked at my papers, my education from previous classes and trainings.
The one that caught my eye was the Energy Psychology training that I got to spend a week at last year in Phoenix, AZ. Of the all day seminars I took was from Jack Canfield (author and life coach) on "The Success Principles". Wow, what a day that was. This guy knocked my socks off, and I left there feeling very inspired. Promising to "do the work" on having the life I wanted.
Well, whoopsie a year has gone by.
But one thing that called to me today, was a part of our homework that day, good ol Jack gave us was writing a list..
So, here it goes.
1. Laugh everyday-at least once
2. Visit Alaska PLEASE.
3. Write a book (wow, did I seriously put that?)
4. Sleep under the stars lots.
5. Live in a log cabin by water
6. Drive a John Deer tractor (yeehaw)
7. Ride a horse
8. Parasailing
9. Run a biggest loser race (no more than 10k thankyou very much)
10. Speak to kids in schools on empowerment/bullying (be a child advocator!!)
11. Dance in the rain
12. Try hot Yoga
13. Take love and logic training classes
14. become a life coach
15. Visit Africa (yes for a long time too please)
16. List 3 things I am grateful for daily.
17. Motor home family trip
18. Meet Oprah ( PLEASE!)
19. Paint when it calls. have my own easel
20. SPEAK, on the raw, honest, stuff.
21. visit INDIA with my daughter
22. go on a CRUISE with my hubby (with no sea sickness)
23. READ more books.(love stories and spiritual please)
24. Be a conscious eater.(enjoy the cinnamon roll and the carrots with no shame)
25. Kareoke please
26. Camp lots.
27. Have an organic garden
28. Have a white fluffy bunny rabbit
28. Get an extreme makeover on myself
29. Dress up to go to a prom, limo and all- but go?
30. Hug lots.
31. Hold babies (all kinds), animals, kids, all kinds!!
32. PARIS please
33. Finland- with my big sis.
34. mission work- orphanages, schools-
35. Montana adventure with Brett.
36. Germany with Lars.
37. Visit beaches everywhere
38. Scavenger hunts (plan and do, I love these things!!)
39. Color Run.
40. Mud Run. (muddier the better, please)
41. Rummage sale as much as possible
42. Become an inspirational teacher.
43. Own my body.
44. Ride an elephant
45. Swim with the Dolphins/ Whales (first learn to swim)
46. Meet Brene Brown
47. Visit NYC with friends/family
48. Garth Brooks Concert
49. play with kids, LOTS.
50. walk across the Mackinaw Bridge
51. see SRI and Kira again
52. Have an online empowering kids program
53. Learn how to swim. (see above)
54. Do a back walk over without seeing stars or falling over (gymnastics)
55. Have body work done weekly (massages, myofascia)
56. Wear a bikini
57. have an unlimited supply of essential oils
58. LOVE everyone around me.
59. Start a foundation for abused/traumatized kids.
60. visit homeless people.
61. visit mentally ill/spiritually awakened people.
62. Take a relaxing vacation by myself
63. Be on TV.
64. Have an expensive amazing bed with lots of pillows and expensive sheets/comforter
65. Try a vegan diet.
66. Get some new teeth.
67. watch my kids grow.
68. Have a sweet non shedding house dog.
69. Have an assistant (that pays bills, does chores, remembers appointments- (pretty much is my brain)
70. be OPEN, HONEST, and RAW everywhere I go.
71. add more family to my spirit family.
72. BE conscious. SEE and feel all that is, everyday.
73. Have my own website.
74. Heal my body Holistically
75. bubble baths weekly. (YES!)
76. Visit all 50 states
77. Travel out of country as much as possible
78. Be able to afford a latte every am.
79. Quit being a caregiver, start being a teacher.. YEEHAW!
80. Play games with kids.
81. Watch sunrises and sunsets every where I can.
82. Become a speaker at Energy Psychology Conference
83. Take a trip with Stacy Henrion (home girl)
84. Feed the homeless
85. Give love to all in need (first to myself)
86. Sit next to trees, weekly.
87. Have a lavender bush
88. Enjoy real flowers.
89. ROSE oil- White Angelica oil on stock, always.
90. Hike lots.
91. Be a conscious mom.
92. Grow my hair long
93. New Mexico please
94. Watch parades
95. Laugh loud Lots.
96. Meet a new person daily.
97. Write and publish quotes.
98. Florence Nightingale- go to a spot in need. and work.
99. Have a huge master bath, with a ginormous tub.
100. Shit my pants yearly (my dear soul friend says, its fertilizer for your life!)
101. Pray daily.
So, dear friends- I challenge you, what are your 101s?
"If you can dream it, you can do it"- Walt Disney
"Ask and it will be given to you"- Mathew 7.7
Till next time friends, go knock your sox off and write your list!:)
Michelle, the girl who is learning to run with dresses on.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Friday, May 1, 2015
Lets, WIN, WIN, WIN.
This morning, driving the childrens to school on this bright, beautiful, North Dakota, May, day- I was listening to them fight in the back seat. It went something like this, one, made the other feel bad because she didn't want to do something, and the other (that was feeling bad) called him a name. Typical beautiful teenage drama. As, the sun was shining in my eyes and I cruised down the main street here in Dickinson- I found myself getting heated up. (and not by the beautiful ray in the sky)
See, I took this amazing love and logic course for parents x2. Yes, you read, right- I took the same course twice, back to back. It was a 6 week one night a week course on how to have more fun as a parent, by empowering yourself and showing your child empathy. Big stuff. To any of my blog reader parents, please if this calls to you- find a class, it really has changed my life. I am actually planning on taking the teaching course of this class (I am that passionate about it). Anyways, back to the car.
Love and logic would tell me to have empathy, for both kids. Saying something like, "I know, I have been teased, and hate being treated unkindly"-for the one who had been called the name. And, "I understand, I don't like when someone makes us do something, when its uncomfortable"-for the one who didn't want to do something.. Then I would finish it off by, "kids that fight on the way to school, get to walk". And, possibly pulling over- and watching them get out of the car, (happily I am sure).
But, instead..I spoke. And, as I write this now, I realize how big it was.
"Don't let anyone take your power away from you, ever." "Walk away, speak up, do what's right just for you, make no apologies, be yourself, heck, punch them if there
crossing boundaries", but DONT let anyone take your power away from you, ever".
"And, name teasing, and making someone feel bad for not feeling comfortable by not doing something, well that's...FAKE POWER.
And, I think I finished it off with, saying how I believed in them both and hope they had a good day. As the school came into view, and the teenagers got out and doors slammed shut, I was left thinking about our morning drive in, as I drove back home, to enjoy my first cup of my favorite coffee.
Thoughts went like this, "Hmm, probably should keep practicing what your preaching, Michelle".
The truth is, 9 months ago, my hubby and I made a powerful decision to move our family away from there friends and families to try a life out here in North Dakota.
As, we left that August day- my big sister ( I love you Lisa Ann) gave me an audio CD to listen to as I drove and followed the orange and white U-Haul. It was called, THE POWER, by Rhonda Britton. I listened to it, most of the drive. And, looking back, it was like the song that's playing as your warm up before your basketball game in high school. It filled me with joy, determination, and motivation- perfect start to make a better life for me and my family out west.
Last week, I finished the POWER OF VULNERABLITY course by Brene Brown. Best 30 bucks, I could've spent on myself. Hours of listening to research done by an open hearted individual on the hard (but good) stuff, shame, guilt, love, whole heartedness, and of course. vulnerability.
Yes, friends- I have spent months, (lets be honest) years learning how to live my life, for me- in my power.
And still today, I was left on the drive home from school my brain filled, with the words I always tell my kids, "anyone can speak it, but show it."
Show me your power. Show me what works for you. Show me your life for you, show me your joy, peace, content happiness.
I can write, I have always done a good job, (English was my favorite subject) but- the hardest lesson I have needed to learn is SHOWING UP, for the life I have always wanted.
Some believe we should be content with food, clothing, and shelter. I say we should be grateful for all those things. But, I believe, we should live the life we want, with no excuses, showing up. Doing, what works for you- believing in what works for you.
Last week I got to go spend an hour and a half with a great group of kids, as a speaker about Mindfulness. I SHOWED UP, nervous, scared, excited. And, when I jumped in Arnie (our car) and pulled out onto the highway leaving the peaceful place, I felt like I could move mountains. Better yet, first female president of the big beautiful United States, or climb Mt. Everest without stopping. I was full.
And, when I vulnerably spoke in my power about my life, magic happened. Because, those kids, well they healed something in me. They asked me questions, that I needed to ask myself. They, themselves were able to be, honest. And, well I left there knowing (you know the move mountain part) that it was a WIN, WIN, WIN situation. I won, they won, and the whole better whole, WON.
This afternoon, when I pick my kids up from school, and there may be fighting, I might holler. Tomorrow I might not want to get out of bed. Next week at rush hour, I might freak out when I am stuck in a traffic jam on Main street here in Dickinson.
But today, today, this moment, is all we have. And, dear readers, dear friends-lets practice power, in the moment. For us, for our kids, and for the better whole.
Lets, WIN, WIN, WIN.
Till next time friends, move on over Hillary Clinton!
Michelle, the girl who is learning to run with dresses on.
See, I took this amazing love and logic course for parents x2. Yes, you read, right- I took the same course twice, back to back. It was a 6 week one night a week course on how to have more fun as a parent, by empowering yourself and showing your child empathy. Big stuff. To any of my blog reader parents, please if this calls to you- find a class, it really has changed my life. I am actually planning on taking the teaching course of this class (I am that passionate about it). Anyways, back to the car.
Love and logic would tell me to have empathy, for both kids. Saying something like, "I know, I have been teased, and hate being treated unkindly"-for the one who had been called the name. And, "I understand, I don't like when someone makes us do something, when its uncomfortable"-for the one who didn't want to do something.. Then I would finish it off by, "kids that fight on the way to school, get to walk". And, possibly pulling over- and watching them get out of the car, (happily I am sure).
But, instead..I spoke. And, as I write this now, I realize how big it was.
"Don't let anyone take your power away from you, ever." "Walk away, speak up, do what's right just for you, make no apologies, be yourself, heck, punch them if there
crossing boundaries", but DONT let anyone take your power away from you, ever".
"And, name teasing, and making someone feel bad for not feeling comfortable by not doing something, well that's...FAKE POWER.
And, I think I finished it off with, saying how I believed in them both and hope they had a good day. As the school came into view, and the teenagers got out and doors slammed shut, I was left thinking about our morning drive in, as I drove back home, to enjoy my first cup of my favorite coffee.
Thoughts went like this, "Hmm, probably should keep practicing what your preaching, Michelle".
The truth is, 9 months ago, my hubby and I made a powerful decision to move our family away from there friends and families to try a life out here in North Dakota.
As, we left that August day- my big sister ( I love you Lisa Ann) gave me an audio CD to listen to as I drove and followed the orange and white U-Haul. It was called, THE POWER, by Rhonda Britton. I listened to it, most of the drive. And, looking back, it was like the song that's playing as your warm up before your basketball game in high school. It filled me with joy, determination, and motivation- perfect start to make a better life for me and my family out west.
Last week, I finished the POWER OF VULNERABLITY course by Brene Brown. Best 30 bucks, I could've spent on myself. Hours of listening to research done by an open hearted individual on the hard (but good) stuff, shame, guilt, love, whole heartedness, and of course. vulnerability.
Yes, friends- I have spent months, (lets be honest) years learning how to live my life, for me- in my power.
And still today, I was left on the drive home from school my brain filled, with the words I always tell my kids, "anyone can speak it, but show it."
Show me your power. Show me what works for you. Show me your life for you, show me your joy, peace, content happiness.
I can write, I have always done a good job, (English was my favorite subject) but- the hardest lesson I have needed to learn is SHOWING UP, for the life I have always wanted.
Some believe we should be content with food, clothing, and shelter. I say we should be grateful for all those things. But, I believe, we should live the life we want, with no excuses, showing up. Doing, what works for you- believing in what works for you.
Last week I got to go spend an hour and a half with a great group of kids, as a speaker about Mindfulness. I SHOWED UP, nervous, scared, excited. And, when I jumped in Arnie (our car) and pulled out onto the highway leaving the peaceful place, I felt like I could move mountains. Better yet, first female president of the big beautiful United States, or climb Mt. Everest without stopping. I was full.
And, when I vulnerably spoke in my power about my life, magic happened. Because, those kids, well they healed something in me. They asked me questions, that I needed to ask myself. They, themselves were able to be, honest. And, well I left there knowing (you know the move mountain part) that it was a WIN, WIN, WIN situation. I won, they won, and the whole better whole, WON.
This afternoon, when I pick my kids up from school, and there may be fighting, I might holler. Tomorrow I might not want to get out of bed. Next week at rush hour, I might freak out when I am stuck in a traffic jam on Main street here in Dickinson.
But today, today, this moment, is all we have. And, dear readers, dear friends-lets practice power, in the moment. For us, for our kids, and for the better whole.
Lets, WIN, WIN, WIN.
Till next time friends, move on over Hillary Clinton!
Michelle, the girl who is learning to run with dresses on.
Me, and some of my favorite littler people.....SHOWING up.
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