Garrison, ND. Lake Sakakawia, me (camp nurse), 98 kiddos(ranging from 6-15 years of age) and 40 something counselors, maintenance men, director, lifeguards, wranglers, etc.... The name of this organized chaos is Triangle Y camp. And, it's where I spent my last 6 days. The motto that is behind the triangle of the camp, is mind, body, spirit. So, here's 6 things I learned in the 6 days I spent at camp that filled my mind, body and spirit.
1. God provides. I spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen tossing curly fries into bowls to feed the youngsters at lunch. And, there was always just enough. I got to witness kids sharing a big cookie, and a big bowl of tootie fruities, and it filled me up with a love in which I was constantly reminded of God providing.
Me with my sweetie counselor friend Megan in the kitchen...
2. Stop and enjoy the scenery. Stop, and tie your shoe before you trip, stop and take a moment to look out at the window of Gods beauty. Stop, and smell the flower- perhaps put it in your hair as a pretty. Just slow down, and watch the magic of life around you.
View from my health lodge at Triangle Y camp....
3. We all are home sick. No matter what age, we all just want to go home- to feel love. Some elders, might want to be called to there earthly home in everlasting life. Some, child- home might be a farm house, with a squeaky screen door, with mama inside taking warm cookies out of the ol oven. And lastly, for me in my thirties home is a place I am finding deep inside me, where love is waiting in the door way.
A precious gift, a triangle Y paddle, signed by my campers and counselors.
4. We can all walk together. One of the most heart warming moments at camp was watching the campers hold hands and walk together during the last night and the "final walk". We had long legs, short legs, injured legs, but somehow with the love from each other it carried us to the north pasture to watch the sunset and the fire start. What a reminder of one ever has to walk alone. We just have to remember to grab a hold of a hand that is waiting next to you.

The final walk, to the north pasture.
And the sunset as we were there.
5. All we need is love. As the camp nurse this week, I got to witness many owies, and boo boos. From the rash on the neck , to the stitches on the head, No medicine works best, then a hug. There's no side effects or allergies-when it comes to love. We all are worthy and deserve this loving touch.
Me and my new dear friend Bree- (supervisor of the leaders in training)
6. Saying goodbye is hard. One of the final nights of camp was "chapel". In which we all came together and sang. I stood in the corner of the room and listened to 130 something people sing Amazing Grace, and felt a shift in me. We are all worthy of Gods grace. This moment, this memory, will forever be locked in my heart. And, that moment, along with many more, made the tears flow as I said Goodbye to the week as camp nurse at Triangle Y. Goodbyes are never fun, so I will take all these heart filed moments and carry them with me. And, as I pulled out of the driveway of
camp knowing that goodbyes are hard, but temporary. Im reminded of the words, see ya later. So Triangle Ycamp, if not sometime later this summer, then possibly next year, and if not then- then when God brings us together- see ya later.
Saying goodbye to the pond and the big lake.
Thankyou Triangle Y, for giving me a week of showing me that God provides, for having me slow down and enjoy lifes scenery, reminding me of where home is, and to reach out my hand and walk there together, that love is the way, and goodbyes are never final.
Mind, body, spirit, Triangle Y.
Michelle, the girl who is learning to run with dresses on (and who spent a 6 days at camp joyfully running and playing with dresses on)
*On a goodbye note- this is my final post on this blogger blog- stay tuned for a link to the upgrade! See ya later!