Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Blissfully Blessed.

Sunday fun day was a scheduled family day, here for us.

It's been awhile since we had one of these days- so we made a point to dedicate Sunday just for us, 5 Massies.

First, we shut off the alarm clocks and slept in.

Then we lazily sipped on coffee and worked as a team building  this big ol egg scramble thing.

And as we sat down to eat, the teenage boys got into a little tiff. Today, I can't even remember what it was about, but needless to say- it was bit loud, and a little ugly.  (Living in an apartment on the 3rd floor in North Dakota, definitely has been interesting living arrangements for the hubs, 3 teen kids, and I.)

 After a long walk for the one teen, and a little family meeting, our family day was a little delayed, but adventure was awaiting.

Before we left the dad in this house, told the kids that trip day, was going to be without electronic gadgets, homework, and books. Just us 5, the vehicle, and the road we were about to travel. 

Oh boy.

So, we jumped into Arnie (our vehicles name) and off we headed to the local gas station and daily perks coffee shop for some drinks along the way. 

Thirty minutes west down the interstate is Medora. A touristee town in the badlands. Also, in this town is the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, known for its beautiful views and wild animals- partically Buffalo.

And, that my friends was our adventure for the day.

So, we cruised along the desserted park, counting the mule deer, and laughing at the prarie dogs. After a couple hours, a few wild horses, and one lonely bison, the sun was starting to set there on the badlands. 

And, I had a moment.

I sat back and watched the hubs and our dolly (Leanna,11) take pictures with her new camera, and the boys pretending to shoot the prarie dogs (yes my boys are pro hunting carnivore eating men). 

I sat back, and smiled as big as the sunset sky that was filled with every kind of color. (You know the kind of smile where your mouth hurts from shining?!) At that moment, my heart sang, one of those sweet soft songs that now plays on the local radio. Joy filled me up. I felt it from the bottom of my toes, to the top of my crown. 

I am truly blessed.

Blessed, grateful to have these God  given moments.  Blessed to have an arnie, that can take us on these adventures. Blessed, to have the delicious soy latte taste on my palate. Blessed to have this earthly family, to teach me how and what unconditional love is. Blessed, even for North Dakota to have the pesky prarie dogs to snicker about. Blessed for the sun going down, and the moon coming up. Blessed to have this life on earth.

I've felt this blessed, blissful feeling before. And  darnit I'm working on consciously creating and enjoying more- it feels amazing!

But to be honest, in the past, when I feel this joy-I usually am waiting for the next ball to drop.  I've always prepared myself for the fear ridden what ifs, or the it's too good to be true.  I would spend the time, creating in my mind what could go wrong in the future.  

I mean, how could I just be this lucky?

And, well, I don't know what happened, but it finally hit me that day that all we have is today, and it was our family day.  And, instead of fearing the future, it was time.  Time for me to be grateful for what is, now at this moment.

And, well our family is loud.  We argue on Sunday mornings, we might need to take walks to have space, and cool off. But, we are imperfectly, perfect. I know there will be  many more morning squabbles, and whole hearted adventure days- either way,

Yes, I am blissfully blessed!

Till next time friends, wishing you beautiful imperfectly perfect adventure days!

Xxoo Michelle, the girl who is learning to run with dresses on.

        The one and only lonely bison



  1. Brene Brown writes about the "Ball dropping feelings" in her book Daring Greatly and how it is a stealer of joy and being in this moment of time. I am glad you didn't get hooked, but were able to really be with and feel joy with your family.

    Feelings and life change. It takes practice and courage to feel this and to accept what is and to know you can handle it no matter what it is. To me, it was in accepting the unacceptable that gave the opening to feel joy, love and peace. When we stuff feelings, we Stuff ALL feelings. I am so happy you can feel!

  2. Thanks Beth!:) yes, allowing myself to just be how I feel is been a big lesson. <3
    Thanks for your support!
