Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The road traveled with my voice..

In third grade I had a favorite person in my little rural school, Mr. Lundin- who was my speech pathologist.

And, while the rest of the class would study spelling words- I would spend 30 minutes behind closed doors with the attentive, big dark mustache- speech man.

I would read sentences and play games concentrating on how I said my r's and s's. Railroad, was wailwoad. Santa, was zanta. After many sessions, and when I set my mind to it- ( I would consciously have tothink about how to speak), railroad was pronounced with the most beautiful R sound out there. And, when the half hour was over I would walk back to class with a beautiful new pencil, eraser, or some precious gadget.

You see, I love to speak. I love to talk. And, from an early age I remember talking so darn fast, (I could have gotten a job as an auctioneer as a little tike).
Fast forward- speech therapy, learning how to slow down and sound out words.

And, then in high school came speech class- my most terrifying, but favorite.
I would practice those speeches staring at myself in the mirror, I would have the note cards written out in the most perfect writing, and then, my name was called to stand up in front of the class and speak. My voice would shake, my hands would tremble, my mind would forget the notecards and the memorized speech, and my heart would take my voice over. If it was a speech on Ben Franklin, or how to make puppy chow- somehow through the nerves, from the heart, the words would come easy.

I don't remember when I quit talking. Anyone that knows me is laughing right now thinking I never stopped! :) 

Your right, I just quit talking bout the big stuff, or I wouldn't talk at all.

You see, the truth is I love peace. And, at times it's been my biggest challenge to speak, knowing I would offend, hurt, worry or scare someone. 

So, I would keep quiet or spend my energy talking about other people, (and fyi- I would call it concern). This person has a sick baby,  this friend seems depressed, this relatives  cousins neighbor is sick with some big illness. That's what I spoke. I would simply forget, to give those troubles to God.

Now looking back, I had it all wrong. 

This blog, is what's putting me on the right track. For, these are my stories, my words, my truth- written with my heart open from the one and only, me.

This being said, I realize some of my words, some of my writing- isn't for everyone, and that's ok. Some, might not understand, my journey-and that's truly perfect too.

You see writing my truth, well it empowers me just as I'm standing in speech class, speaking. And, that is why this blog thing is for me, right now.

So friends, speak your truth in whatever way you can. And, if, the words come out a little too fast- and if railroad ends up wailwoad, well just love you, and the road your on.

Till next time,

Michelle, the girl who is learning to run with dresses on...

*picture shows me and my dolls (daughter) on our road trip last weekend.
Enjoy the road traveled!

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