Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Let it be Chistmas Everywhere..

Coffee is hot, big lazyboy chair is comfy, Christmas book is open- half read,  kids are all sleeping in, candles are lit, holiday cookies are on the counter, music plays Christmas songs, yes its Christmas Eve.

And, for the first time in 33 years, I am not "home" for Christmas.

Four months ago, my husband and I moved our family to Dickinson, North Dakota. And, we decided that we will enjoy a quiet Christmas at our home here in our new town.

I will be honest with you, it feels weird. I have sat with myself all week, thinking of this decision.

And, my brain keeps playing tricks with me, thinking of all the "things" I have forgotten to do for Christmas.  Because, truth is- I never would have had the time (or made the time) back home to sit and type a heartfelt message, much less to sit and read a Christmas book, further more-to dig deep and find the Christmas inside of me.

See, Christmas back home, well...its busy. Or, lets be honest, I made it busy.

Numerous parties, Christmas concerts, family get togethers, and  humbly say, by the time I dolled myself up, and made the cookie tray, and bowl of noodle salad, I would collapse in the van, tired and usually crabby. (somehow the holidays always brought that out for me). So, as we drove to our party destination, I would unconsciously crab about nothing important, and as the vehicle would come to a stop, I would plant one of those fake smiles on my face.

My kids, would look at me all confusingly, I mean I get it, Honestly?! How can someone go from hollering overwhelming accusations to hugging, smiling, welcoming Christmas love- in a bout 2.2 seconds?

That's all I can say about that is, well, it takes talent.

And dear children- if you are reading this, I am truly sorry. I hope you know, all those years, it was never you, not running quick enough to the van, or the salad flopping, the shirt that didn't fit right but your mom- not knowing her boundaries with her voice. I do, love you all to the moon and back.

And, I am sorry, for not teaching you the true meaning of Christmas. You see, Christmas is about LOVE. And, you are the people GOD gave me, to LOVE unconditionally.

So, this year- well I told myself, that whatever I do for Christmas, needs to be with LOVE.

The extra hours at work, the numerous trips to Walmart, the few favorite cookies the family and I made, the wrapping of the presents, I had to consciously think "LOVE".

And, when I did that, well Christmas was, everywhere.

The yummy smelling lotion I got from my boss, the Merry Christmas's heard back from the Walmart stranger, the tape that the neighbor had for me to borrow to wrap presents, the cookies I got to share with friends, Its all LOVE. 

So, know matter if you are alone in a new town, or surrounded by all your extended families- feel the LOVE all around you.

For, all we truly all need is LOVE, and then everyday could be Christmas...

Wishing you all a peaceful day, wherever you are.
Let it be, Christmas!


Michelle, the girl who is leaning to run with dresses on..

And, lastly... A big humble thankyou, to all of you. The love, the support, the feeling I get from your likes and comments, I am truly grateful! Heres to a big open hearted peaceful Christmas to all of you!

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